Welcome to WisdomWithin!

SO very glad you are here!  In fact, so very glad WisdomWithin is premiering!

This brand new blog is intended to encourage mental health awareness, wellness, self-advocacy and recovery. I am a New York Certified Peer Specialist in Mental Health, which is a fancy way of saying I have lived experience in mental health and recovery, have chosen to pursue education enabling me to help others in recovery, able and willing to disclose & share experience, insight and encouragement. The resources you will find here are legitimate, evidence-based, and of proven value in recovery. The need is real; 20-25% of society live with mental health conditions at any given time. That’s across cultures, ethnicity, religion, gender, education level, income level, political position, or any other position.

In the course of survival, in life, throughout my illness, recovery and further education, many roadblocks have arisen. We will be exploring all of that, and hopefully, providing some extremely useful resources and information along the way. This minimal initial post is just a dipping of our proverbial toe in the water. This site is intended to develop as a true resource, and one survivor’s field guide, to living with, living through and rising above mental illness.

In honor of a recently lost and truly inspiring  mental health activist, Carrie Fisher, we encourage your wellness, your wisdom, your humor, your support, your input, your presence; you, as a human being, of great value and worth, no matter the current state of your battle! Therefore, and evermore, “…may the force be with you!” All Best, Kathy & WisdomWithin

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